สรุปย่อรายละเอียดหนังสือ / Description / Synopsis
The story of a mother hen whose children have vanished. She went out to find them and asked the other animals if they had seen her children. She eventually discovered that the fox had taken them. Even if she had to walk into the forest, break through the thorns, or cross the river till night, she didn’t give up because she knew the wolf would eat her chicks. She and the fox ran to rescue her babies. But when the chicks were safe, they went to the fox and refused to admit that the hen was their mother. What will the mother hen do? Should she give her babies to the fox? Or should she take them back? Leave it as an open-ended question.
What will your child learn from this book?
- Teach perseverance in the face of adversity.
- Learn to coexist peacefully with others.
- Develop analytical and flexible thinking skills.
- Encourage imagination
- Improving their EQ, AQ, SQ, and MQ.
- Improve EF
- Focus Attention: The mother hen concentrated her efforts on finding her children.
- Goal-Directed Persistence: Even when faced with numerous difficult obstacles, the hen never gave up until she found her babies.
รางวัลที่หนังสือเล่มนี้ได้รับ / Award Information
รางวัล / Award
หนังสือดีเด่น สพฐ.
Outstanding Book Award
ปีที่ได้รับรางวัล / Year
2561 / 2018
ประเภทและรายละเอียดของรางวัล / Award Description
หนังสือสำหรับเด็กเล็กอายุ 3-5 ปี
The book for young children, aged 3-5